Oops! A decimal place error. Using Census QuickFacts–a $90 million
general fund increase for transportation equals $350 per Vermont
household per year or 0.6% of the median household income of $54,168.
The $350 for the household cost compares, for example, to a saving from
changing a solo drive to a 20-mile Link bus commute out of Burlington,
about $3,500 after taxes–plus an employer saves about $600 a year for
every “free” parking space no longer required for an employee.
Of course, $90 million in additional general fund revenues would
include some from business and would be progressively raised by income
and other sources. Are better roads, bridges, commuter and light rail,
intercity rail, and a major walking and bicycling infrastructure for all
downtowns and city centers–worth 99 cents a day for your household?
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Vermont Digger reports the Vermont Democratic senators talking about priorities for Vermont like the State operates like a bankrupt Detroit or depressed jobless urban center. Not nice to have a scrooge sighting reported two days before Christmas!
Vermont remains a rather low unemployment state with a high level of social services and a relatively sound financial status. Getting caught up in austerian talk, thinking it must follow some silly yardstick which says it is not possible to add significantly to public expenditures really does not make sense. Responded to the Vermont Digger piece this morning, in part:
"...somehow Quebequers enjoy full nondeductible/no copay health care for all including prescriptions (also $8 a day regulated daycare services). Also, to provide the $90 million needed each year for transportation (commuter rail, intercity rail, light rail for Burlington/Rutland, walking/bicycling infrastructure statewide, increased Town Highway Grants and, yes, funding needed bridge/highway projects) costs $15 per capita per year even without fed help. (Massachusetts did begin an allocation of about $15 per capita per year earlier this year from general funds for transportation--Vermont would not be the first.) We do not have to choose to be public service poor, we can do so much more with public funds to support our citizens, improve our cities and towns and help both new and existing businesses. The Legislature/Governor need to stop poor-mouthing our status."
Vermont leaders looked at far bleaker conditions--for examples, Ethan Allen, and Governors like Phil Hoff, Dean Davis, Tom Salmon, Howard Dean and Richard Snelling. They each in their own way found a way to change the political dynamic to direct necessary resources to the challenges of the time, just as President Obama dealt with health care which most modern nations resolved over a half century ago.
The challenge today involves finishing the already pre-determined course in health care, addressing homelessness and the cost of housing and attacking the key element in energy use which involves shifting private use of the automobile to publicly supplied public transportation combined with walking and bicycling infrastructure in our downtowns, village centers and built up areas--$90 million worth of investment annually required as a first step.
Vermont remains a rather low unemployment state with a high level of social services and a relatively sound financial status. Getting caught up in austerian talk, thinking it must follow some silly yardstick which says it is not possible to add significantly to public expenditures really does not make sense. Responded to the Vermont Digger piece this morning, in part:
"...somehow Quebequers enjoy full nondeductible/no copay health care for all including prescriptions (also $8 a day regulated daycare services). Also, to provide the $90 million needed each year for transportation (commuter rail, intercity rail, light rail for Burlington/Rutland, walking/bicycling infrastructure statewide, increased Town Highway Grants and, yes, funding needed bridge/highway projects) costs $15 per capita per year even without fed help. (Massachusetts did begin an allocation of about $15 per capita per year earlier this year from general funds for transportation--Vermont would not be the first.) We do not have to choose to be public service poor, we can do so much more with public funds to support our citizens, improve our cities and towns and help both new and existing businesses. The Legislature/Governor need to stop poor-mouthing our status."
Vermont leaders looked at far bleaker conditions--for examples, Ethan Allen, and Governors like Phil Hoff, Dean Davis, Tom Salmon, Howard Dean and Richard Snelling. They each in their own way found a way to change the political dynamic to direct necessary resources to the challenges of the time, just as President Obama dealt with health care which most modern nations resolved over a half century ago.
The challenge today involves finishing the already pre-determined course in health care, addressing homelessness and the cost of housing and attacking the key element in energy use which involves shifting private use of the automobile to publicly supplied public transportation combined with walking and bicycling infrastructure in our downtowns, village centers and built up areas--$90 million worth of investment annually required as a first step.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration issued a report this week "Traffic Safety for Older People - 5 Year Plan" http://www.aashtojournal.org/Documents/December2013/FiveYearPlan.pdf
which carefully sidesteps infrastructure! Sort of the ivory tower approach to older folks safety on the highway. "Pedestrian"s do get a little space in the 22-page paper. But certainly is news you will never find old folks on bicycles (or apparently accessing public transit either)--or at least (whew! I was worried) are there any safety issues for these modes! Certainly none worth planning for apparently.
Certainly this is a report that give those folks interested in safety for older folks using roundabouts and cycle track, a little chuckle for the holidays.
Apparently infrastructure (AARP advocates intersection conversions to roundabouts for improved older citizen safety) remains a potato still too hot to take out of the oven.
And these folks are paid with our tax dollars!
Friday, November 29, 2013
November 29, 2013
Good day. My name is Tony Redington, citizen of
Burlington, Vermont,
20 North Winooski Avenue Apt
2, 05401 Email: TonyRVT99gmail.com, Blog: TonyRVT.blogspot.com.
My background and experience
includes extensive public and private service in housing and rail
transportation policy development, planning, and administration as well as published
research in the fields of the walking mode and various aspects of the modern
roundabout with its manifold aspects of its impacts on ground transportation,
land use, and safety.
Introduction and
Background: the Vermont Transportation Policy Context Today
Thank you for the
opportunity to comment on “transportation-related topics”
as part of your legislative mandate to hold hearing and submit a report to the
Legislature on transportation program related considerations.
First and foremost, transportation
programming and finance takes place in a state of chaos at all levels of
government today, a condition directly related to the wholesale change in the
transportation “marketplace” from dominant car-centric condition dating from
end of World War II to the beginning of this century when a new trend of
reduced car travel paralleling high rates of growth in public transportation,
walking and bicycling modes. This now
undeniable change in the marketplace and a new emergent paradigm recognizes and
responds to: (1) reducing car travel; (2) increasing development densities to
take advantage of non-car travel mode efficiencies; (3) proactively addressing
energy conservation, cutting pollutant emissions, and curbing global warming
gas generation; (4) attacking economic competitiveness issues related to
transportation waste, inefficiencies, and infrastructure deficits involving
movement of both of people and goods; and (5) for the first time employing the
tools of roundabouts and cycle track to create urban infrastructure enabling
freedom of choice for all citizens to walk and bicycle in safety and comfort
regardless of skill levels or age.
The backdrop in transportation change
particularly can be seen today as high single and double digit growth in urban
public transportation and both walking and bicycling modes take place while car
travel car travel stagnates or even declines in slow growth areas of the
nation, like New England, other parts of the Northeast and the North Central
areas of the nation.
Practically all demographic and
economic data nationally as well as Vermont show the chaos and change well
advanced and continuing. For examples,
the Census projects growth of senior 65-and-over age population through
mid-century will be almost 100% while the younger far higher car traveling
population grows only 20%. In Vermont
Census projects 124% 65-and-over population 2000-2030 increase and under-65 age
population up under 2%. Meanwhile in
part because of economic factors and part consideration for the environment
needs to reduce pollution and energy consumption, all population groups travel
by car declines and the young 18-30 age population rate of driving licensing
has declined 10%. Here in Vermont
employment growth and car ownership plateaus and the last decade of New England
car travel change barely edged up 3%.
State Transportation Finance—For the First Time Deserting Car
Based Taxes and Fees for General Fund Sources
Except for Massachusetts and Virginia
which dumped car oriented taxation this year as the driver for transportation
investments, no other states—including Vermont—have responded to the changed
transportation marketplace and the required change in funding sources which
must be made to provide needed the transportation infrastructure and services
of today, much less meet the needs of the future.
The current approach of tinkering
with car-oriented taxes to deal with the State’s transportation finance really
does compare to the boy sticking his finger in a small crack in dyke to stop an
impending flood.
Using Massachusetts as a guide,
Vermont needs to tap general funds for transportation about $90 million a year.
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick is in the process of announcing their
first year of $890 million in projects from non-highway oriented revenue source
funding. Using the Massachusetts
appropriation on a pro rata population basis, a Vermont $90 million yearly can
fund within a five year period, for examples: capital costs of commuter rail
services along three corridors (Montpelier, Middlebury and St. Albans); other
intercity services (such as a feeder passenger service from Bennington); capital
costs for one light rail line (such as an east-west and north-south line within
Burlington and a Rutland line north-south connecting the Mall to the downtown
shopping area to the northern edge of the residential areas); a down payment on
the major costs necessary to for the first time provide infrastructure making
downtowns and village center both walkable and bikable (principally through
roundabout and cycle track along corridors, town centers and areas); and,
finally, long—but not least--deferred investments in bridges and other highway
These examples assume no federal
matching funds and availability of federal funds expands the possible scope of
annual investments.
One additional aside on United States
transportation finance. Of the roughly
$100 billion spent annually on all highway construction and maintenance, the
user pays only 62% with the balance coming from property taxes, general fund
taxes and other non-highway related taxation (see FHWA “Highway Statistics
2010, Table HF 1). (For this reason
Vermont town highway grants supposed to support street maintenance and
improvements needs to be substantially increased and and formulas revised to
take into consideration such factors as lane miles year round cycle track and
sidewalk as well as overall traffic volumes to reflect relative maintenance
costs.) Today there exists little
relationship between the user costs placed on the highway system versus
revenues—whether those user costs on the system are weight related measured by
routine cost allocation updates, maintenance costs at the town level mostly
property tax supported, or social costs at all levels.
Because the majority of states—over
30—restrict use of highway related taxes and fees to highway use only, for
highway finance to change in a way which meets national needs, federal
taxation—particularly of gasoline and related highway imposts—must be expanded. If the States—in this case Vermont—were able
to employ a European level gasoline tax of $4 gallons instead of about
twenty-five cents, a revenue stream of $800 million which mostly would be
allocated for general fund expenditure.
Because of state to state competition enacting a large gas tax is not
possible—and only a federal gas tax re-distributed to the states and easily
bypass states constitutional restrictions of their own auto-oriented taxes to
highway use only.
Specific Recommendations for Immediate
There follows here specific policies,
activities and changes recommended for Vermont transportation programming
I Amtrak
Start an Ambus
between St. Albans and Montreal connecting with the Vermonter which will
immediately reduce overall State support costs to Amtrak and add back the
10,000 annual passengers per year lost when the bus connection ended. Impact:
reduce State annual support requirements for the two Amtrak services initially
by about $400,000.
Accelerate the
schedule of extending the Ethan Allen service from Rutland to
Burlington—immediately preferred by 2016 at the latest—the 2017 schedule now
represents a two-decade timeline to extend the service the 80 miles between the
two Vermont cities. Impact: While little change
in annual State support costs would likely occur, numbers of annual passengers
would increase and overall economic benefits to the Rutland, Addison, and
Chittenden Counties would be significant.
revise current regional public transportation providers routes and schedules to
provide connectivity to Amtrak passenger train stations throughout the State. Impact: Coordinating public transit connections with
Amtrak trains would increase slightly the passengers numbers on Amtrak trains
with resulting economic benefits to the regions surrounding the stations and a
slight reduction in the State’s annual Amtrak support costs.
II Commuter Rail and Intercity Rail Passenger
part of a “Vermont All-Mode Transportation Initiative of General Fund revenues
annually dedicated to transportation: (1) initiate commuter rail service
between Burlington and Middlebury, Montpelier and St. Albans; (2) initiate a
“circuit train”, Burlington-Rutland-Bellows Falls—White River
Junction—Montpelier-Burlington designed as the foundation for a full intercity
rail passenger service with connections along all existing rail corridors; (3)
a north-south light rail line in Rutland from the south end Mall via the City
center area through the upper residential area; and (4) create full
connectivity between rail services and the routes and services of regional
transportation service providers. Impact:
Each worker using these services on a 20 mile one-way commute in
place of solo driving increases after tax income (between Burlington and St.
Albans, for example), a 40 mile commute $7,000 (between Burlington and
Montpelier, for example). Note a study I
authored earlier this year, “An Action Outline for Commuter Rail Passenger
Service along Three Burlington Corridors” provides a complete market, capital
cost, and operating cost analysis for Chittenden County-Washington County,
Chittenden County-Franklin County and Addison County-Chittenden County commuter
rail service.
III Vermont
All-Mode Transportation Initiative (VAMTI)
Establish a “Vermont
All-Mode Transportation Initiative (VAMTI), a yearly appropriation starting at
a $90 million level from General Fund revenues dedicated to transportation with
a multi-purpose approach including: (1)
economic development; (2) transportation sustainability (with emphasis on land
use transportation relationships); (3) energy conservation and pollution
reduction; (4) downtown, town center, and urban investments in walkable and
bikable infrastructure, particularly roundabouts and cycle track; (4) reduction
motor vehicle travel through investments in demand management; and (5)
transportation safety upgrades.
IV Urban and Town Center Walking and Bicycling
Infrastructure: Cycle Track and Roundabouts to Move Busy Vermont Streets to
Walkable and/or Bikable Status
Vermont city downtowns, town
centers generally show the same pattern of lack of walkability and bikability
found throughout North America. Notable
Vermont exceptions include: (1) Church Street Marketplace, Burlington’s
four-block walkable mall dating from 1981 with shared space intersection areas
for all modes; (2) walkable town center roundabout nodes in Montpelier and
Middlebury; (3) bikable and walkable cycle tracked Dorset Street between
Williston Road and Kennedy Drive in South Burlington (though not served by any
roundabout intersections); (4) Vermont’s first walkable street, Main Street
along the corridor of three roundabouts in Manchester Center completed in 2012;
and (5) arguably, walkable/bikable shared paths along Stone Cutter’s Way in
Montpelier, Riverside Avenue in Burlington and Kennedy Drive in South
Burlington—again several street segments without any roundabouts at key intersections.
Walkable and bikable streets
provide for all users regardless of age, skill or disability safe and
comfortable accommodation for both modes along street segments and at
intersections. Street segments attain
walkable and bikable status through presence of separate cycle track and
sidewalk, or in combination which can include accommodation on a side path. Generally, to attain walkable and/or bikable
status each key intersection accommodation is supplied by a pathed roundabout
for both modes or through traffic calming. Generally, signalized busy intersections,
lack of sidewalks, and unprotected bike lanes signify the type of busy streets
which a minimum standard of walkability or bikability.
Address the almost complete
lack of bikable and walkable urban, downtown and village center busy streets
through: (1) initiation immediately of a roundabout/cycle track program as a
the major thrust of the “bicycle pedestrian” program along with an initial
allocation of $10 million annually from the Vermont All-Mode Transportation
Initiative (VAMTI); (2) initiate
regional planning projects identifying all urban and town center streets and
corridors to be sidewalked/cycle tracked/roundabouted into walkable and bikable
status and prioritizing projects the corridors, areas and nodes so identified;
and (3) since pathed roundabouts and cycle track when installed along with
sidewalks comprises the very definition of a “complete street”, incorporate
these three elements through revisions to existing projects where appropriate
as well as in all new urban, town center, and downtown projects with priorities
for funding guided by town and regional plans.
Comparing the cycle track, about two miles in Vermont, versus the
Netherlands on a per capita basis the Dutch have 670 miles of cycle track
versus Vermont’s 2 miles.
Finally, state
transportation agency policies and regulations need to be revised to reflect
the superior safety and service of roundabouts and provision of
walkable/bikable busy urban street treatments in all projects. Note three state transportation departments
(New York State DOT since 2005) and two Canadian province departments operate
on a “roundabouts first policy” and a similar approach needs to be adopted in law
and Vermont state agency policies and regulations. It is noteworthy that a search of the Vermont
Agency of Transportation website of “roundabout” response is the site lacks any
information at all.
Thank you for the
opportunity to comment on Vermont’s transportation-related topics.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Search for "roundabouts" at the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VAOT) website and you get the message, "your search yielded no results."
But, go to the NY State Department of Transportation website (it has a "roundabouts first" policy in place almost a decade) and not only will you find an extensive website on roundabouts but also animations on how to walk, bike and drive through multi-lane roundabouts, links, and photos, history, etc. Ditto for the New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) which spent the beginning of the century fighting Keene citizens from replacing a $60 million Bypass Expansion with three roundabouts, now listing in detail the 28 roundabouts on the State system and the 15 in planning or design phases.
What is noteworthy is that until about 2005, Vermont led the roundabout emergence in New England as an injury reducing, congestion relieving, sprawl constraining, sole walkable-bikable intersection design, pollution cutting, energy conserving treatment. Vermont now has 11 roundabouts in place--including he first northeastern roundabout (1995) and first northeastern interstate interchange (1999).
Cycle track (protected bike lanes)
At the same time all three state websites start out even when it comes to the new infrastructure "rave" found in numerous cities and towns now from Boston, to Chicago to Seattle--protected bike lanes termed "cycle track." Cycle track provides a high level of safety to all bicyclists regardless of age and skill and paired with roundabouts which include a pathway for cyclists (shared or separate) creates for the first time a bikable busy urban street for use by everyone. It also erases a great deal of the conflicts between cars and bicyclists. Chicago Mayor Rham Emmanuel through his own initiative builds 100 miles of cycle track in his first term, Boston Mayor Tom Menino commits his City this fall to 30 miles by 2018, and new cycle track project completions now occur monthly somewhere in the U.S.
U.S. modern roundabout history
While the modern roundabout got its start in the U.K. in 1966, it was already gaining ground in several British-related and European nations by the time the first roundabout came to the U.S. in 1990 in Las Vegas. While the U.S. roundabout numbers approach 4,000, the French during the 1993-2003 period built at a U.S. equivalent rate of 7,000 a year--today France boasts about 35,000 roundabouts, the U.K. 10,000, and the City of Melbourne 4,000. Thanks to the leadership of Carmel, IN Mayor James Brainard, that City of 70,000 with several freeway interchanges is about two thirds of the way to the goal of being a city of 100 roundabouts and one traffic signal
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
BURLINGTON--Three North End neighborhood members of the North
Avenue Corridor Study Advisory Committee took a November 1 field trip to
observe two busy modern roundabout intersections in Montpelier, VT. The
neighborhood representatives, recruited through the Neighborhood Planning
Assemblies (NPAs), found roundabouts a good option for key North Avenue
intersections along the three-mile corridor under study from North Street north
to Plattsburgh Avenue.
Two major new possible treatments possible along the corridor
include roundabouts and protected bike lanes called “cycle track.”
Roundabouts and cycle track both move the corridor to a higher level of safety
and service benefiting all modes and all users, regardless of age and skill.
Jim Holway (NPA Ward 4/7, Ward 4), RJ Lalumiere (NPA 4/7, Ward 7
Alternate) and Tony Redington (NPA 2/3, Ward 3 Alternate) all expressed
surprise at how effortlessly traffic flowed and how little delay there was at
Keck Circle, a block from the Main Street Middle School, as it handled the rush
of school closing traffic of cars, trucks, school buses and students.
Added to the mix were four Greyhound tour buses using the roundabout to reverse
At the US 2/302 roundabout the three observed a volume of about
2,200 vehicles an hour during as Friday afternoon peak traffic numbers are
highest of the week . Backup waiting to enter the intersection never
exceeded about ten cars and at most a 30 second delay, typically far less.
Holway explained the field visit: “Our purpose in selecting Keck
at the time we did was precisely to observe higher pedestrian and bike
traffic. As school was let out just up the street, we got our
answer. We observed congestion coming from the circle to the school.
There was no slowing of flow as cars went to the school to pickup. On the other
hand as cars came to the circle after picking up, the flow in the circle hardly
slowed. Children, bikers and buses all traversed the circle in relatively
short span, yet it all flowed very well. The peds and bikers went through the
roundabout with surprisingly little concern for doing so. In other words
it was the opposite as I would have thought. In contrast, watching the
signaled intersections. [At signalized intersections] peds and bikers had to
queue up waiting their turn AND the frequency of jay-walking near signaled
intersections was frequent by my observation. People between parked cars
jutting out and running across. Where at the roundabout no jay walking was to
be seen and every mode of traveler could easily see everyone else.
Lalumiere took considerable video of the two roundabouts during
the trip which can be accessed on YouTube at http://goo.gl/DdajOC
Lalumiere said “I must say I was impressed by their functioning.
Traffic flow was high, but safe; the intersections cleared any backups
Redington noted observing the “walking school buses” from
Union Elementary three blocks away, a few children each for each
“bus” with their adult “driver” crossing the roundabout.
Redington said the Middle School students relaxed and nonchalant
crossing of the roundabout may well reflect the fact its 1995 construction
means it predates the birth of all of the Middle School which serves all 6th to 8th
Burlington Department of Public Works (DPW) and CCRPC websites
provide access to study documents and meeting notices at http://bit.ly/north-ave . Nicole Losch of
DPW handles City coordination. The next study step fleshes out a vision
and goals for the corridor followed by developing options. The last
step of recommendations (short, medium and long term) leads to a final study
Other neighborhood representatives on the North Avenue Steering
Committee are: Tad Cook (NPA 2/3 W3), Bill Brachter (NPA 4/7 W7),
Kelli Brooks (NPA 4/7 W4 Alternate) and Fauna Shaw (NPA 2/3 W3
Alternate). Holway, Lalumiere, and Redington actively participate on the
Burlington Walk Bike Council. Holway points to his involvement in safe
routes to schools initiatives in the New North End. Lalumiere helped
organize the new series of monthly “Bike Party” Burlington excursions on
the last Friday evening of the month, May to October. Redington, a
roundabout expert and researcher, points to the almost 4,000 roundabouts now in
the U.S. and Canada which to date have not experienced a single pedestrian
The first
Burlington busy street roundabout scheduled for construction in 2017 is the
“rotary” intersection of Locust St., Shelburne St. and St. Paul St.
Note three roundabouts the size of the new Burlington roundabout would fit
inside the Winooski “traffic circulator” with room to spare. Modern roundabouts
are of a substantially different design and thus produce a much different

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
The Vermont Transportation
Board [website: tboard.vermont.gov ] is
in the midst of six public hearings
“for the purpose of taking public comment on a variety of
topics. The Board also will accept
public comment via email until November 30.
Please submit electronic comments to
the Board’s executive secretary at
The two remaining hearings are: St.
Albans, November 15 and Middlebury November 20 (details on website). However, certainly everyone can be encouraged
to submit their specific concerns in regard to any transportation issue. Certainly every time a citizen comments in
support of bicycle and walker infrastructure as well as its funding helps the
cause of finally getting a real start on a walkable and bikable community, a
vision we all share.
My comments submitted to the
Transportation Board for changes in state transportation programming will address and include:
1. Protected
Bike Lanes (Cycle Track) Over the
past year policies for bicycle infrastructure moved from now passé bicycle
lanes to a truly “complete” streets composed of protected bicycle lanes called
“cycle track” paired where feasible with roundabouts armed with separate or
shared walker/bike paths so bicyclists can choose the generally safer course of
not “taking the lane” at an intersection.
Only through this new infrastructure (note NY 9 roundabout and separate
bike and walker facilities north and south) approach can we begin to achieve
true bikability in Vermont—now nowhere to be found in our downtowns, village
centers and other built up areas. An
immediate infusion of $2-$3 million for cycle track within the current year
budget (SFY 2014) can kickstart cycle track with administration placed in the
Bicycle-Pedestrian Program.
2. Rail
Passenger Service Expansions With
sharp drops in the proportion of Vermont workers (3%) choosing car travel to
work, a general end to car travel growth and the aging Vermont population (124%
increase 2000-2030 of 65+ versus under 2% for under 65—U.S. Census), it is
clear we need to: (1) advance the date of Amtrak extension of service from
Rutland to Burlington to SFY 2015 nor 2018 as now projected; (2) Initiate an
Ambus connecting the Vermonter at St. Albans to Montreal, a sure money maker
and reducer of State Amtrak support dollars until rail service extension is
completed in the indefinite future; (3) Complete planning and start initial
service elements within two years of” (a) commuter rail service between
Burlington along the corridors to Montpelier, Middlebury and St. Albans, (b) a
“circuit” intercity service Burlington-White River Jct.-Bellows
Falls-Rutland-Burlington, and (c) light rail service Fletcher Allen Health
Car/UVM to the Burlington waterfront via the Church Street Marketplace.
3. Intersection Roundabout Conversions
With two states and two Canadian provinces adoption of “roundabouts
first” policies and the undisputed safety and service benefits of the single
lane roundabout for all modes, it is long past the time for Vermont transportation
programming to: (1) immediately undertake through regional transportation
planning a list of intersections to be converted to roundabouts taking into
consideration walking/bicycling/economic factors and prioritizing the
conversion list; (2) revise all new construction and other major projects (like
the Burlington Champlain Parkway) by
replacing all designed/planned signals to roundabouts; and (3) moved quickly to
a 20-30 roundabouts per year installation rate, easily achievable with the addition
of the Transportation Funding Initiative (TFI) outlined herein.
Note the AARP policy
advocating roundabout conversions because of the far higher incidence of senior
driving and walking fatalities at intersections compared to the under 65 age
population. Transportation research
clearly shows the primary differential in skills and abilities which change
with aging involve judging gaps in traffic and speeds, major elements addressed
by roundabouts versus the context of the signalized or signed intersection.
4. New
$90 Million Annual State Allocation of General Funds for Transportation As car travel New England wide increased
only 3 percent so far this century the revenue streams from car related taxes
no longer even sustain necessary basic highway needs. Meanwhile the rapidly expanding travel
modes—rail and bus passenger services, walking and bicycling—all demand
substantial additional resources to both meet demand and for first time installation
in the case of cycle track and roundabouts.
Two states for the first time dealt straight up with the changed
transportation funding needs—Virginia in February abolished the gas tax and
replaced it with an across the board sales tax of one percent to be used to
fund all transportation modes; and Massachusetts shifted for the first time on
a regular basis $890 million yearly from general funds, again to fund needs for
highway, rail passenger, public transportation, walking and bicycling. The Vermont equivalent of the Massachusetts general
fund shift of $890 million is $90 million (note Massachusetts Governor Deval
Patrick fought tooth and nail for an amount double that which his legislature
finally approved).
Examples of what $90 million in Vermont funds
are: (1) a light rail system running from UVM and Fletcher Allen Health Care to
the Burlington waterfront via the Church Street Marketplace (including the
purchase of the light rail cars); (2) the full capital costs of commuter rail
services from Burlington to Middlebury, Montpelier, and St. Albans plus
intercity rail extended in a circular service Burlington-White River
Jct.-Bellows Falls-Rutland-Burlington— including self-propelled rail cars; (3)
90 miles of downtown and village center cycle track; (4) 30 roundabouts with
paths accommodating both bicyclists and walkers; and (5) rehabilitation of 45
miles of Vermont highways.
With Vermont households
cutting back their almost $2 billion expenditure on car travel, the increase in
taxes on progressive basis still results in an overall reduction in the typical
Vermont household budget for transportation.
In a sense the new funding, a Transportation Funding Initiative (TFI)
just reflects the consumer choice already clearly expressed in the marketplace.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013
…..applying the Massachusetts general fund
transport projects principle to Vermont
Boston Globe reported the announcement last week by Massachusetts Governor
Deval Patrick of likely first set of transportation investments since his
Legislature the first yearly shift of $800 million from general fund revenue
for transportation projects.
$800 shift from general fund revenues to transportation--about half of what
Gov. Deval Patrick sought from his Legislature--goes primarily to many years
overdue replacement of the subway fleets on two Boston lines, statewide
electric tolling and straightening a Turnpike section, and very possibly new
commuter rail service to he “South Coast” with services to long economically
depressed Cities of Fall River and New Bedford.
Final details of Gov. Patrick’s transportation project list will be released
by Thanksgiving. Gov. Patrick says
funding emphasis will be placed on improved transportation outside of Greater
and Virginia this year were the first states to disconnect highway, gasoline,
and car-related taxes from their past singular role in transportation finance
at the state levels. Translating $800
million a year to Vermont—with a tenth of the population of Massachusetts—leads
an $80 million a year equivalent as a minimum starting point. And, $80 million in Vermont in just two years
would enable, for examples: (1) capital and some operating support for commuter
rail from Burlington to Montpelier, Middlebury and St. Albans; (2) additional
intercity rail service along a circular corridor from Burlington-White River
Junction-Bellows Falls-Rutland-Burlington; and (3) a light rail service from
the Burlington waterfront to Fletcher Allen Health Care and University of
Vermont campus via the Church Street Marketplace. As important, Vermont could begin the
critically needed investments to make downtowns, urban neighborhoods and town
centers walkable and bikable for the first time though investments in cycle
track (protected bike lanes) and at key intersections pathed roundabouts
designed to serve both the walking and bicycle modes.
some point, a major gasoline tax at the federal level—in dollars not the
nickels and dimes of the past—must be imposed (phased in over several years) to
provide the kind of resources to states enabling the U.S. to join the first
tier of nations whose transportation systems which are defined by either
high-speed rail networks and/or walkable and bikable urban areas. (Most Western European nations qualify on
both criteria.) Consider the fact that
nations like Taiwan, South Korea and China already nations boast a basic
network of high-speed rail countrywide.
In the United States and Canada there is not a single walkable or
bikable urban area—investing in infrastructure to achieve walkable and bikable
urban nodes, corridors and areas poses the greatest urban transportation
challenge today. (A tip of the hat
though to Canada where both Montreal and Toronto extensive underground areas
and corridors remain the only ones in North America and two of the few of such
extensive enclosed car-free environments worldwide.)
Thursday, October 24, 2013
those favoring walking and bicycling daily add converts, the bulk of the
population knows well the lack of walkable and bikable infrastructure still
rules the real world of American urban and town center streets—truly incomplete
streets. For walkers this means endless
waits at high-injury-rate signalized intersections and for bicyclists it means
being relegated to the “sider” class.
“sider” bicyclist by necessity only travels by carefully negotiating trips
along sidewalks, side streets and “backways.”
When you bicycle at my advanced age or very young, less skilled on two
wheelers, or wish to avoid the risk of mixing on streets with at most unprotected
bike lanes with hordes of traffic—you become a sider by default or just put the
bicycle away. We do not partake of bike
parties, bike rides, and other group activities taking place and bikable busy
streets--these remain to us the dream of the future. We do not fool ourselves—American bike
infrastructure development trails Amsterdam or Copenhagen by decades (well,
yes, the Burlington Marketplace is the one walkable corridor in Burlington but
no bikes allowed !).
a sider means the shortest distance between two points has nothing to do with
the shortest distance between two points—one is more like a thief on foot
taking every which way to avoid capture.
A sider can end up taking a dozen different streets and backways just to
go a few blocks to a favorite coffee shop less than a mile away. Even after a dozen trips or so you have to
take a moment to recall the sider route which on paper looks like a treasure
hunt through a maze.
to churches, parks, and housing developments all kinds short cuts abound. (And without the alleyway behind Macys from
Cherry Street in Burlington connecting with a left, right left through the
People’s Bank to Pine Street it would be impossible to move north to south in
downtown for the Burlington bicycle sider.)
for a long time also was a salmon—biking the wrong way on a street with a one
way bike lane the wrong way (yes, during light traffic times I will use a bike
lane for a block or two). But after
hearing that this is really not safe (and experiencing wrong way bicyclists from the opposite,
correct, direction, must agree) gave up salmoning on my bicycle for life,
something far easier than quitting smoking.
sidewalks I follow some simple rules. First, travel no more than a few miles an hour
as you never know what will suddenly appear from a driveway. Second, one travels across crosswalks at
about walking speed (four miles an hour) and with the same attention to traffic
as one would on foot—and be prepared to dismount at any point. Generally, I for one never pass a walker on
the sidewalk- period! When a walker is
approaching towards me I dismount about 50 feet away and walk my bike until
past the walker traffic. A person
walking has a right not to be bothered by bicyclist—nothing irritates a person
walking more than bicyclists rushing past from behind or approaching in front
regardless of the speed.
day us siders will get the new protected bike lanes and roundabouts with paths
which together promise to put our sider days into history—like life without
safety belts. Our major urban streets—like Amsterdam and Copenhagen—some
day will become places for all to walk and bike in safety and comfort.
A landmark study published
in the July American Journal of Public Health finds the installation of cycle
track—protected bike lanes—promises for town centers and urban areas
infrastructure enabling all regardless of age, sex, or ability the opportunity
to travel by bicycle in comfort and safety.
A former Vermont walking and
bicycling leader, Dr. Anne Lusk, now at the Harvard School of Public Health, was
a lead researcher on the study team. The
study examines: (1) state and federal highway guidance for bicycling in regard
to cycle track; (2) 19 U.S. cycle tracks (including one in South Burlington,
VT) with determination their safety far surpasses on-street bicycling; and (3) European
experience where a large proportion of the population--all ages, all skills and
both male and female—ride bicycles regularly.
U.S. urban trips by bicycle are about one percent and walking six
percent while Germany and the Netherlands average about 20 percent each—more
than 40% of all urban trips there are on foot and bicycle in those two nations.
The paper, “Bicycle guidelines and crash rates on cycle track in the United
States,” can be found at:
Dr. Lusk--named by President
George H.W. Bush as his 119th Point of Light, a designation for notable
volunteer community leaders in a variety of fields--left Vermont a few years
ago as a true legend in the field of walking and bicycling. Lusk almost single-handedly built the Stowe
Bikepath, lead a volunteer group of State and private members to create, promote
and develop walking and bicycling initiatives culminating in an $11 million
State funded bikepath program even before federal program began, and facilitated
the formation of the Vermont Bicycle and Pedestrian Coalition which now in its
third decade continues fostering programs, policies and investments in what is
now a burgeoning field of walking and bicycling growth in virtually every town
in Vermont. Vermont’s early leadership
in roundabout development in the Northeast also resulted directly from the
initiatives Lusk led. Lusk also was
involved in a study finding the safety superiority of cycle track in Montreal
(built in 2007) over on-street cycling.
Cycle track is rapidly
developing in the U.S--100 miles are under development in Chicago, announcement
occurred this month that Boston will build 20 miles of cycle track by 2018, and
cycle tracks plans and initiatives can be found bubbling up throughout the U.S.
and Canada. The study reports only 0.5%
those aged 16 over population home-to-work trips by bike in the United
States—and only 24% of those trips by women.
While male bicycle trips have increased recently, female bicycling has
not changed and trips by children has decreased.
The study shows U.S. cycle
track experience far lower injury rates
per mile of travel than on highways or streets with unprotected bike lanes or
no lanes. Cycle track in the United
States totaled 40 miles at the time of the research while Dutch cycle track
miles totaled 18,000 miles in a nation with the population about that of New
There exists strong interest
in safe routes to schools (until recently a federal program funded projects in
this area) and European experience indicates that levels of walking and
bicycling to school is closely associated with the presence of cycle track
networks. The study notes a survey of
research indicating “cyclists are safer on roundabouts with cycle track.”
Finally, the study takes aim
at U.S. bicycle guidance—particularly the American Association of Highway
Officials (AASHTO) bicycle and highway guides from 1974 to 1999 prepared by
committees dominated by males (over 90
percent males for the two publications for which gender data could be found),
publications which do not address in any way the value, benefits, etc. of cycle
track—with much of the bicycle guidance given without foundation in research.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
An entertaining relationship movie (R rating) rattled along until six words of dialogue spoken by the character played by Julianne Moore struck almost like a lightning bolt as she spoke with sincerity and reflection, "the car is a terrible thing."
Brought up in New Hampshire where the Manchester Union Leader, the State's dominant statewide newspaper, for several years showing the latest gruesome fatal car crash scene emblazoned in large front page photos came to mind--and the still 30,000 plus Americans dying from car crashes each year (plus uncounted injuries as well as fatalities from road rage). Gun deaths and car deaths now appear to be in a yearly contest from state to state as to which gets the lead.
But to hear "the car is a terrible thing" in a Hollywood production which also featured as a key element a lead actor who prided himself in his Mustang SS and agressive driving including a scene of his own road rage breaking the window of the car whose owner yelled back at him--made this "terrible thing" all the more surprising. The movie, Don Jon, does have Julianne Moore playing a character who near the end of the movie disloses the death of her son and husband 14-months prior as the result of that "terrible thing."
An entertaining relationship movie (R rating) rattled along until six words of dialogue spoken by the character played by Julianne Moore struck almost like a lightning bolt as she spoke with sincerity and reflection, "the car is a terrible thing."
Brought up in New Hampshire where the Manchester Union Leader, the State's dominant statewide newspaper, for several years showing the latest gruesome fatal car crash scene emblazoned in large front page photos came to mind--and the still 30,000 plus Americans dying from car crashes each year (plus uncounted injuries as well as fatalities from road rage). Gun deaths and car deaths now appear to be in a yearly contest from state to state as to which gets the lead.
But to hear "the car is a terrible thing" in a Hollywood production which also featured as a key element a lead actor who prided himself in his Mustang SS and agressive driving including a scene of his own road rage breaking the window of the car whose owner yelled back at him--made this "terrible thing" all the more surprising. The movie, Don Jon, does have Julianne Moore playing a character who near the end of the movie disloses the death of her son and husband 14-months prior as the result of that "terrible thing."
Friday, September 27, 2013
"Roundabout" often gets a bad rap around the Burlington, VT area as it is equated with the failed traffic circle design in nearby downtown Winooski--a traffic circle which roundabouts cure. Here is the example of a roundabout curing a traffic circle--New York's first roundabout built in 2000 in Kingston. You could fit two of them inside the Winooski circle,or three of Vermont's two-laner in Brattleboro.
Check out this Alaska DOT website showing before and after of the Kingston roundie, plus a simple directory covering how the roundabout safely handles walkers and bicyclists approaching from cycle track/bike lanes. roundabout history, U.S. examples
The Kingston 660 foot (more than two football fields) diameter circle is now
a 220 foot diameter roundabout. The Winooski circle--really an oval--is about 500 feet by 200 feet.
(Note Montpelier's first roundabout (1995) is pictured in the section "Roundabout Links" subsection "Roundabouts around the world" as it is the first north of Maryland and east of Las Vegas, the 19th in the U.S).
Still noteworthy, there has yet to be a single walker fatality at the 3,000 or so U.S. roundabouts.
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