would the Maquis de Lafayette on his 200th
Anniversary of his triumphal tour visit (1825) to Montpelier be able
to have exclaimed: “Viva le espace Montpelier!”
very heart of Montpelier presents an opportunity to shift from a
frustrating mix of buses, cars, bicyclists and walkers to a shared
environment benefiting all plus boosting the downtown shopping
basic area for attention: the very central core of the built up
area--parts of Main Street, State Street (the City's “sacred
street”) and its extension, East State. The street sections are:
(1) the three blocks on Montpelier's Main Street from the Winooski
River Bridge to to the front of Kellogg-Hubbard Library; (2) State
Street from the Post Office/Capital Plaza Hotel to State/Main; and
(3) from East State from Main to beginning of the upgrade just past
City Center. All changes can be measured to a high standard of
comfort, ease of movements without significant delay, and safety—for
all users.
now reigns...
section of these streets presents a substantial confusion for all
users. There is the section from Barre Street to the Bridge with its
the mix of cars and buses plus rail traffic, Shaw's market
entry/exit traffic and Stone Cutter's Way entrance always challenge
vehicles with left turning traffic often suffering irritating delay.
The rail corridor from Main Street west past Shaw's stands as jpart
of the planned route connecting the East and West Winooski
multi-user bikepaths. (The City plan done with consultant firm
Wilbur Smith led to a recommended connection featuring a roundabout
at Barre/Main.) The section from Barre Street to Kellogg-Hubbard
Library contains the State/Main/East State four-way intersection with
a rather long wait cycle for all traffic streams and walkers. Add to
this the School Street intersection, a wide area where a walker
fatality and other serious injuries have occurred; and the Langdon
Street walker crossing because of the adjacent signal seriously
conflicts with Main Street vehicle traffic.
From Barre Street to the
Library key shopping, City Hall and Fire Station, and City Center
generate a constant and varied movement by walkers, bicycles and
various motor vehicles throughout the day. Finally there are the
several accesses to behind Main Street parking lots with the lack
easy access to those lots a downer for shoppers, visitors, and those
seeking downtown services.
State Street improvement installing angled parking in front of the
Post Office deservedly received praise the project still left
unaddressed problem Elm/State Streets intersection. On East State
there is the obvious speed transition of the down grade to flat
extending west from the City Center Parking ramp and parking area
entrances on the south side—not big problem but one which could be
easily addressed by a traffic calming measure.
The long
term vision includes “shared space,” a low 0 to 5 mph typical (10
mph maximum) context with all modes mixing, a context where vehicles
(including bicycles!) yield to those who walk. This is the safest
form of street context, based on experience in Europe where the first
installations occurred. The Church Street Marketplace in Burlington
(VT) gives a flavor of shared space where College, Bank and Cherry
Streets intersection feature a mingling of Marketplace walkers
with streams of vehicles, all vehicles operating about 5 mph and
yielding at slightest movement of a walker making even a late
decision to cross anywhere in the intersection. As a practical
matter today, along the sections in Montpelier discussed here a
driver who takes care to be ready to yield to walkers can only move
at realistically at about 5-7 mph during much of the day—this needs
to be kept as a backdrop when considering various treatments
suggested below.
transformation of the core of Montpelier to “shared space” can be
viewed as a two-step process with several elements involved in each
step. The first step involves installation of infrastructure to
enable reduction of speeds and accommodation of bicyclists. Once the
infrastructure is in place, the second step is one mostly of process
as the City Council working with citizen-driven committees (really
starting from the outset and involving both the Planning and Public
Works Departments) to slowly and deliberately change the rules and
make minor alterations street elements to a final form: a safe haven
for walkers and bicyclists while enhancing the experience and
efficiency for for cars. That result particularly benefits the
business community and their customers as both comfort, ease of
movement, and reduced delay all add to a radically improved retail
distinguishes “shared space” in its pure form from an urban
center traffic calmed area represented under the “first step”
come from eradicating all signs and signals (the one signal in the
Montpelier case gets replaced a roundabout at the beginning stage).
Further, the final form of shared space usually involves removal of
curbing—again think of the Church Street Marketplace intersections.
Existing Plans
Some of
the changes infrastructure already exist or can be found in various
downtown plans, often from citizen-driven charettes and studies.
First, the Keck Circle roundabout already acts to slow traffic at the
northern end of the Main Street corridor and enables ease of
reversing direction for tractor-trailer business servicing trucks
(traffic data indicates about 40 tractor trailers a day traverse Keck
Circle). The excellent project at the post office block reduced
speeds on adjacent street segments. The planned 90-foot-diameter
roundabout, like Keck Circle accommodating all vehicles, at
Barre/Main keying the connection of Winooski East and West Bikepaths
also establishes a major component of enabling traffic movement at a
congested intersection as well as enabling access to the parking
areas behind the west side Main Street buildings. (An immediate
installation of a demonstration mini roundabout at practically no
cost might well help demonstrate what a full roundabout can
accomplish--”try before you buy.”)
past City planning documents include a number of possible new walker
paths, such as (1) the “Kitzmiller” walkway advocated by the late
Rep. Karen Kitzmiller connecting State and Langdon Street along
side/over the Worcester Branch; (2) a below State Street walker
bridge between the Farmer's Market area to the parking area behind
Main Street; (3) the elements which connect the East and West
Winooski Bikepaths (Wilbur Smith study); and (4) the east Worcester
Branch riverbank from State to the rail bridge.
key elements
are at least four other major infrastructure elements which allow
collapsing Main Street to mostly two traffic lanes and enable bike
lanes and other street improvements as less space is devoted to
vehicles and more to walking, bicycling, and street amenities —and
in the case of East and West State Street, low enough speeds and/or
lanes enable bicycles to be reasonably accommodated. Note when Keck
Circle came about the extra space, once used for turn lanes no longer
needed with a roundabout, immediately became valuable parking spaces.
The four
other major infrastructure elements are:
A min-roundabout at State and Main
enough room exists to accommodate a full roundabout (minimum 90 foot
diameter) at State and Main (like Keck Circle or at Main/Barre). A
roundabout which allows all movement except left hand turns could be
installed, but with the restricted options for movement of emergency
vehicles, particularly fire apparatus so that a mini which enables
all turns to be made is the realistic choice. With nearby
roundabouts and traffic calming elements safety for walkers is
enhanced (anything but a roundabout generates up to a 900% greater
rate of serious injuries, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
tells us). And there is a tremendous reduction in walker delay—one
study show less than three seconds delay and anyone can test their
own delay experience by just checking out delay at Keck Circle.
- A normal roundabout (like Keck Circle) at School and Main This roundabout pairs with Barre Street Roundabout and a speed table adjacent to Stone Cutters Way providing full traffic calming from Keck Circle to the Bridge. With speeds constrained north bound traffic desiring to turn left onto Langdon Street should find ease of entry, but if southbound vehicles to not oblige then a turn-around at the School Roundabout enables a quick alternative and easy right hand turn. Again, a demonstration mini at little cost be installed at any time to get the basic benefits of a roundabout without further waiting, benefits including increased safety for walker and vehicle occupants and reduced delay for all.
- A mini-roundabout at Elm/State Streets The Elm/State Streets intersection is especially difficult because of the angled approach of Elm to State and lack of room for a full size roundabout. Not only will traffic on the three legs move with little delay or backup, but access to and from the “garage” parking area will be eased. (Note this intersection along with Keck Circle, Spring and Elm, and State and Main together represent the four corners of the basic downtown circulation network, essentially a rectangle supplemented slightly by School as a cross-street midway between Spring and State.)
- Other elements Other elements—some requiring more discussion and analysis—include use of traffic calming (mostly speed tables) to manage speeds on State and East State, possibly through employing raised crosswalks. A “bike track,” a grade separated one or two way bikeway may be explored for parts of all of the street sections under consideration—bike tracks are the type of on-street bikeways in Montral with curbing separating the bikeway from vehicular lanes.
final considerations
This outline provides a vision which
may be modified, like all visions there needs to be a planning and
development phase, but some elements like the roundabouts can be
installed at a fairly rapid pace on a prioritized basis. The traffic
volumes in the street segments in downtown Montpelier—like most of
the County—have changed little or have actually declined since
about 1990. Traffic patterns now involve little change and if
anything a drift downward. Single lane roundabouts or mini
roundabouts easily handle the current and future traffic loads.
(Note that from 2000-2010 statewide traffic grew in the single
numbers for the first time since emergence of the automobile a
century ago.)
There are at least to strategic
considerations. As Vermont traffic numbers plateauing and even
declining, and with costs of maintaining low volume State roads sure
to be an issue, discontinuing VT 12 starting at the Winooski River
Bridge north to Morrisville could be a good candidate for removal.
First, perhaps 200-300 vehicles actually travel the length of that
roadway section daily, and, second, two parallel roads—VT 14 and VT
100 provides alternate routings. Discontinuing VT 12 north of
Montpelier would reduce a small but significant amount of Main Street
traffic, particularly tractor-trailer numbers which total about 40 a
day at Keck Circle.
second strategic consideration remains the Washington County Railroad
(WACR). It is very possible, even likely, that self-propelled single
unit rail passenger equipment may connect Barre-Montpelier with a few
trains daily to Burlington (there are three studies which relate to
this possibility dating from 1989). Such a service which would
likely begin in Barre and use the Montpelier transit center as
envisioned off Taylor Street would as a practical matter cross Main
Street and that potential needs to be kept in mind while planning and
developing a “shared space” central downtown traffic design.
Finally Vermont gets it first “mini”
roundabout in Manchester Center this year as part of a two roundabout
project. The mini at Main/Bonner Streets, VT 7A/30 is about a
football field north of “dysfunction junction” VT 7A/11 (Main and
Depot Streets, being renamed “function junction” by local leaders
in advance of the regular roundabout). Manchester Center is the
first town center in the nation to have an all-roundabout circulation
plan (1995).
January 13, 2012
These are very exciting prospects. Montpelier could soon become an even more interesting and walkable little place. Mini-roundabouts do work in urban centers, as evident in Europe. Pedestrians and bicyclists mesh well in these environments. It will increase economic vitality there, too.